Free Internal Surveys of Ventilation Systems

iconOverclean are proud to offer their free service of internal surveys of your ventilation systems.

One of our BDMs will visit your site to assist you in ascertaining the building type (SQC)

Typical application of cleanliness quality classes for ventilation systems

SQCTypical examples
LowRooms with only intermittent occupancy, e.g. storage rooms
MediumOffices, hotels, restaurants, schools, theatres, residential homes, shopping areas, exhibition buildings, sport buildings, general areas in hospitals, general working areas in industries
HighLaboratories, treatment areas in hospitals, high quality offices


Once the type of building has been identified as Low, Medium or High when it is considered appropriate to clean the systems(s).  Samples may be taken to determine the cleanliness levels of the system.

The Surveyor will undertake to look at all aspects of your ventilation system from the Fresh Air Intake through to the AHU, ducting and grilles, including photographs.  The detail from the survey are noted on our bespoke software programme Jobwatch, which enables the Surveyor to prepare for you a detailed quotation.

If there are areas that are not easily accessible, say above a ceiling or restricted access, we can offer to visually establish the state of the ducting systems using a CCTV robotic crawling camera. We would explore up to 10% of the ductwork system producing visual evidence of the state of the systems.  The recording is in colour and recorded onto a DVD.

The Surveyor will discuss with you and make you aware of your legal responsibilities, depending on the type of building and systems.

In today’s world of conscious wellbeing in the workplace, it is imperative to maintain a good quality standard of IAQ.  Breathing in air that is contaminated can cause serious risks to health and wellbeing.